Source code for braket.default_simulator.simulator

# Copyright Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
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import uuid
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Callable
from typing import Any, Union

import numpy as np
from braket.device_schema import DeviceActionType
from import Program as JaqcdProgram
from import Results
from import Program as OpenQASMProgram
from braket.task_result import (

from braket.default_simulator.observables import Hermitian, TensorProduct
from braket.default_simulator.openqasm.circuit import Circuit
from braket.default_simulator.openqasm.interpreter import Interpreter
from braket.default_simulator.openqasm.program_context import AbstractProgramContext, ProgramContext
from braket.default_simulator.operation import Observable, Operation
from braket.default_simulator.operation_helpers import from_braket_instruction
from braket.default_simulator.result_types import (
from braket.default_simulator.simulation import Simulation
from braket.simulator import BraketSimulator

    instr.lower().replace("_", "")
    for instr in [

[docs] class OpenQASMSimulator(BraketSimulator, ABC): """An abstract simulator that runs an OpenQASM 3 program. Translation of individual operations and observables from OpenQASM to the desired format is handled by implementing the `AbstractProgramContext` interface. This implementation is exposed by implementing the `create_program_context` method, which enables the `parse_program` method to translate an entire OpenQASM program: >>> class MyProgramContext(AbstractProgramContext): >>> def __init__(self): >>> ... >>> >>> def add_gate_instruction(self, gate_name: str, target: Tuple[int], ...): >>> ... >>> >>> # Implement other MyProgramContext interface methods >>> >>> class MySimulator(OpenQASMSimulator): >>> def create_program_context(self) -> AbstractProgramContext: >>> return MyProgramContext() >>> >>> # Implement other BraketSimulator interface methods >>> >>> parsed = MySimulator().parse_program(program) To register a simulator so the Amazon Braket SDK recognizes its name, the name and class must be added as an entry point for "braket.simulators". This is done by adding an entry to entry_points in the simulator package's >>> entry_points = { >>> "braket.simulators": [ >>> "backend_name = <backend_class>" >>> ] >>> } """
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_program_context(self) -> AbstractProgramContext: """Creates a new program context to handle translation of OpenQASM into a desired format."""
[docs] def parse_program(self, program: OpenQASMProgram) -> AbstractProgramContext: """Parses an OpenQASM program and returns a program context. Args: program (OpenQASMProgram): The program to parse. Returns: AbstractProgramContext: The program context after the program has been parsed. """ is_file = program.source.endswith(".qasm") interpreter = Interpreter(self.create_program_context()) return source=program.source, inputs=program.inputs, is_file=is_file, )
[docs] class BaseLocalSimulator(OpenQASMSimulator):
[docs] def run( self, circuit_ir: Union[OpenQASMProgram, JaqcdProgram], *args, **kwargs ) -> GateModelTaskResult: """ Simulate a circuit using either OpenQASM or Jaqcd. Args: circuit_ir (Union[OpenQASMProgram, JaqcdProgram]): Circuit specification. qubit_count (int, jaqcd-only): Number of qubits. shots (int, optional): The number of shots to simulate. Default is 0, which performs a full analytical simulation. batch_size (int, optional): The size of the circuit partitions to contract, if applying multiple gates at a time is desired; see `StateVectorSimulation`. Must be a positive integer. Defaults to 1, which means gates are applied one at a time without any optimized contraction. Returns: GateModelTaskResult: object that represents the result Raises: ValueError: If result types are not specified in the IR or sample is specified as a result type when shots=0. Or, if StateVector and Amplitude result types are requested when shots>0. """ if isinstance(circuit_ir, OpenQASMProgram): return self.run_openqasm(circuit_ir, *args, **kwargs) return self.run_jaqcd(circuit_ir, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_program_context(self) -> AbstractProgramContext: return ProgramContext()
[docs] @abstractmethod def initialize_simulation(self, **kwargs) -> Simulation: """Initializes simulation with keyword arguments"""
def _validate_ir_results_compatibility( self, results: list[Results], device_action_type ) -> None: """ Validate that requested result types are valid for the simulator. Args: results (list[Results]): Requested result types. Raises: TypeError: If any the specified result types are not supported """ if results: circuit_result_types_name = [result.__class__.__name__ for result in results] supported_result_types =[device_action_type].supportedResultTypes supported_result_types_name = [ for result in supported_result_types] for name in circuit_result_types_name: if name not in supported_result_types_name: raise TypeError( f"result type {name} is not supported by {self.__class__.__name__}" ) @staticmethod def _validate_shots_and_ir_results( shots: int, results: list[Results], qubit_count: int, ) -> None: """ Validated that requested result types are valid for given shots and qubit count. Args: shots (int): Shots for the simulation. results (list[Results]): Specified result types. qubit_count (int): Number of qubits for the simulation. Raises: ValueError: If any of the requested result types are incompatible with the qubit count or number of shots. """ if not shots: if not results: raise ValueError("Result types must be specified in the IR when shots=0") for rt in results: if rt.type in ["sample"]: raise ValueError("sample can only be specified when shots>0") if rt.type == "amplitude": BaseLocalSimulator._validate_amplitude_states(rt.states, qubit_count) elif shots and results: for rt in results: if rt.type in ["statevector", "amplitude", "densitymatrix"]: raise ValueError( "statevector, amplitude and densitymatrix result " "types not available when shots>0" ) @staticmethod def _validate_amplitude_states(states: list[str], qubit_count: int) -> None: """ Validate states in an amplitude result type are valid. Args: states (list[str]): List of binary strings representing quantum states. qubit_count (int): Number of qubits for the simulation. Raises: ValueError: If any of the states is not the correct size for the number of qubits. """ for state in states: if len(state) != qubit_count: raise ValueError( f"Length of state {state} for result type amplitude" f" must be equivalent to number of qubits {qubit_count} in circuit" ) @staticmethod def _translate_result_types(results: list[Results]) -> list[ResultType]: return [from_braket_result_type(result) for result in results] @staticmethod def _generate_results( results: list[Results], result_types: list[ResultType], simulation: Simulation, ) -> list[ResultTypeValue]: return [ ResultTypeValue.construct( type=results[index], value=result_types[index].calculate(simulation), ) for index in range(len(results)) ] def _create_results_obj( self, results: list[dict[str, Any]], openqasm_ir: OpenQASMProgram, simulation: Simulation, measured_qubits: list[int] = None, ) -> GateModelTaskResult: return GateModelTaskResult.construct( taskMetadata=TaskMetadata( id=str(uuid.uuid4()), shots=simulation.shots, deviceId=self.DEVICE_ID, ), additionalMetadata=AdditionalMetadata( action=openqasm_ir, ), resultTypes=results, measurements=self._formatted_measurements(simulation, measured_qubits), measuredQubits=( measured_qubits if measured_qubits else self._get_all_qubits(simulation.qubit_count) ), ) @staticmethod def _validate_operation_qubits(operations: list[Operation]) -> None: qubits_referenced = {target for operation in operations for target in operation.targets} if qubits_referenced and max(qubits_referenced) >= len(qubits_referenced): raise ValueError( "Non-contiguous qubit indices supplied; " "qubit indices in a circuit must be contiguous." ) @staticmethod def _validate_result_types_qubits_exist( targeted_result_types: list[TargetedResultType], qubit_count: int ) -> None: for result_type in targeted_result_types: targets = result_type.targets if targets and max(targets) >= qubit_count: raise ValueError( f"Result type ({result_type.__class__.__name__})" f" references invalid qubits {targets}" ) def _validate_ir_instructions_compatibility( self, circuit_ir: Union[JaqcdProgram, Circuit], device_action_type: DeviceActionType, ) -> None: """ Validate that requested IR instructions are valid for the simulator. Args: circuit_ir (Union[JaqcdProgram, Circuit]): IR for the simulator. Raises: TypeError: If any the specified result types are not supported """ circuit_instruction_names = [ instr.__class__.__name__.lower().replace("_", "") for instr in circuit_ir.instructions ] supported_instructions = frozenset( op.lower().replace("_", "") for op in[device_action_type].supportedOperations ) no_noise = True for name in circuit_instruction_names: if name in _NOISE_INSTRUCTIONS: no_noise = False if name not in supported_instructions: raise TypeError( "Noise instructions are not supported by the state vector simulator " "(by default). You need to use the density matrix simulator: " 'LocalSimulator("braket_dm").' ) if no_noise and _NOISE_INSTRUCTIONS.intersection(supported_instructions): warnings.warn( "You are running a noise-free circuit on the density matrix simulator. " "Consider running this circuit on the state vector simulator: " 'LocalSimulator("default") for a better user experience.' ) def _validate_input_provided(self, circuit: Circuit) -> None: """ Validate that requested circuit has all input parameters provided. Args: circuit (Circuit): IR for the simulator. Raises: NameError: If any the specified input parameters are not provided """ for instruction in circuit.instructions: possible_parameters = "_angle", "_angle_1", "_angle_2" for parameter_name in possible_parameters: param = getattr(instruction, parameter_name, None) if param is not None: try: float(param) except TypeError: missing_input = param.free_symbols.pop() raise NameError(f"Missing input variable '{missing_input}'.") @staticmethod def _get_all_qubits(qubit_count: int) -> list[int]: return list(range(qubit_count)) @staticmethod def _tensor_product_index_dict( observable: TensorProduct, func: Callable[[Observable], Any] ) -> dict[int, Any]: obj_dict = {} i = 0 factors = list(observable.factors) total = len(factors[0].measured_qubits) while factors: if i >= total: factors.pop(0) if factors: total += len(factors[0].measured_qubits) if factors: obj_dict[i] = func(factors[0]) i += 1 return obj_dict @staticmethod def _observable_hash(observable: Observable) -> Union[str, dict[int, str]]: if isinstance(observable, Hermitian): return str(hash(str(observable.matrix.tostring()))) elif isinstance(observable, TensorProduct): # Dict of target index to observable hash return BaseLocalSimulator._tensor_product_index_dict( observable, BaseLocalSimulator._observable_hash ) else: return str(observable.__class__.__name__) @staticmethod def _formatted_measurements( simulation: Simulation, measured_qubits: Union[list[int], None] = None ) -> list[list[str]]: """Retrieves formatted measurements obtained from the specified simulation. Args: simulation (Simulation): Simulation to use for obtaining the measurements. measured_qubits (list[int] | None): The qubits that were measured. Returns: list[list[str]]: List containing the measurements, where each measurement consists of a list of measured values of qubits. """ # Get the full measurements measurements = [ list("{number:0{width}b}".format(number=sample, width=simulation.qubit_count)) for sample in simulation.retrieve_samples() ] # Gets the subset of measurements from the full measurements if measured_qubits is not None and measured_qubits != []: if any(qubit in range(simulation.qubit_count) for qubit in measured_qubits): measured_qubits = np.array(measured_qubits) in_circuit_mask = measured_qubits < simulation.qubit_count measured_qubits_in_circuit = measured_qubits[in_circuit_mask] measured_qubits_not_in_circuit = measured_qubits[~in_circuit_mask] measurements_array = np.array(measurements) selected_measurements = measurements_array[:, measured_qubits_in_circuit] measurements = np.pad( selected_measurements, ((0, 0), (0, len(measured_qubits_not_in_circuit))) ).tolist() else: measurements = np.zeros( (simulation.shots, len(measured_qubits)), dtype=int ).tolist() return measurements
[docs] def run_openqasm( self, openqasm_ir: OpenQASMProgram, shots: int = 0, *, batch_size: int = 1, ) -> GateModelTaskResult: """Executes the circuit specified by the supplied `circuit_ir` on the simulator. Args: openqasm_ir (Program): ir representation of a braket circuit specifying the instructions to execute. shots (int): The number of times to run the circuit. batch_size (int): The size of the circuit partitions to contract, if applying multiple gates at a time is desired; see `StateVectorSimulation`. Must be a positive integer. Defaults to 1, which means gates are applied one at a time without any optimized contraction. Returns: GateModelTaskResult: object that represents the result Raises: ValueError: If result types are not specified in the IR or sample is specified as a result type when shots=0. Or, if StateVector and Amplitude result types are requested when shots>0. """ circuit = self.parse_program(openqasm_ir).circuit qubit_count = circuit.num_qubits measured_qubits = circuit.measured_qubits self._validate_ir_results_compatibility( circuit.results, device_action_type=DeviceActionType.OPENQASM, ) self._validate_ir_instructions_compatibility( circuit, device_action_type=DeviceActionType.OPENQASM, ) self._validate_input_provided(circuit) BaseLocalSimulator._validate_shots_and_ir_results(shots, circuit.results, qubit_count) operations = circuit.instructions BaseLocalSimulator._validate_operation_qubits(operations) results = circuit.results simulation = self.initialize_simulation( qubit_count=qubit_count, shots=shots, batch_size=batch_size ) simulation.evolve(operations) if not shots: result_types = BaseLocalSimulator._translate_result_types(results) BaseLocalSimulator._validate_result_types_qubits_exist( [ result_type for result_type in result_types if isinstance(result_type, TargetedResultType) ], qubit_count, ) results = BaseLocalSimulator._generate_results( circuit.results, result_types, simulation, ) else: simulation.evolve(circuit.basis_rotation_instructions) return self._create_results_obj(results, openqasm_ir, simulation, measured_qubits)
[docs] def run_jaqcd( self, circuit_ir: JaqcdProgram, qubit_count: int, shots: int = 0, *, batch_size: int = 1, ) -> GateModelTaskResult: """Executes the circuit specified by the supplied `circuit_ir` on the simulator. Args: circuit_ir (Program): ir representation of a braket circuit specifying the instructions to execute. qubit_count (int): The number of qubits to simulate. shots (int): The number of times to run the circuit. batch_size (int): The size of the circuit partitions to contract, if applying multiple gates at a time is desired; see `StateVectorSimulation`. Must be a positive integer. Defaults to 1, which means gates are applied one at a time without any optimized contraction. Returns: GateModelTaskResult: object that represents the result Raises: ValueError: If result types are not specified in the IR or sample is specified as a result type when shots=0. Or, if StateVector and Amplitude result types are requested when shots>0. """ self._validate_ir_results_compatibility( circuit_ir.results, device_action_type=DeviceActionType.JAQCD, ) self._validate_ir_instructions_compatibility( circuit_ir, device_action_type=DeviceActionType.JAQCD, ) BaseLocalSimulator._validate_shots_and_ir_results(shots, circuit_ir.results, qubit_count) operations = [ from_braket_instruction(instruction) for instruction in circuit_ir.instructions ] if shots > 0 and circuit_ir.basis_rotation_instructions: for instruction in circuit_ir.basis_rotation_instructions: operations.append(from_braket_instruction(instruction)) BaseLocalSimulator._validate_operation_qubits(operations) simulation = self.initialize_simulation( qubit_count=qubit_count, shots=shots, batch_size=batch_size ) simulation.evolve(operations) results = [] if not shots and circuit_ir.results: result_types = BaseLocalSimulator._translate_result_types(circuit_ir.results) BaseLocalSimulator._validate_result_types_qubits_exist( [ result_type for result_type in result_types if isinstance(result_type, TargetedResultType) ], qubit_count, ) results = self._generate_results( circuit_ir.results, result_types, simulation, ) return self._create_results_obj(results, circuit_ir, simulation)