Source code for braket.default_simulator.result_types

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from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import singledispatch
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from import jaqcd

from braket.default_simulator.linalg_utils import marginal_probability, partial_trace
from braket.default_simulator.observables import (
from braket.default_simulator.operation import Observable
from braket.default_simulator.operation_helpers import ir_matrix_to_ndarray
from braket.default_simulator.simulation import Simulation
from braket.default_simulator.state_vector_simulation import StateVectorSimulation

[docs] def from_braket_result_type(result_type) -> ResultType: """Creates a `ResultType` corresponding to the given Braket instruction. Args: result_type: Result type for a circuit specified using the `` format. Returns: ResultType: Instance of specific `ResultType` corresponding to the type of result_type Raises: NotImplementedError: If no concrete `ResultType` class has been registered for the Braket instruction type """ return _from_braket_result_type(result_type)
@singledispatch def _from_braket_result_type(result_type): raise NotImplementedError(f"Result type {result_type} not recognized")
[docs] class ResultType(ABC): """ An abstract class that when implemented defines a calculation on a quantum state simulation. Note: All result types are calculated exactly, instead of approximated from samples. Sampled results are returned from `Simulation.retrieve_samples`, which can be processed by, for example, the Amazon Braket SDK. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def calculate(self, simulation: Simulation) -> Any: # Return type of Any due to lack of sum type support in Python """Calculate a result from the given quantum state vector simulation. Args: simulation (Simulation): The simulation to use in the calculation. Returns: Any: The result of the calculation. """
[docs] class TargetedResultType(ResultType, ABC): """ Holds an observable that may target qubits. """ def __init__(self, targets: Optional[list[int]] = None): """ Args: targets (list[int], optional): The target qubits of the result type. If None, no specific qubits are targeted. """ self._targets = targets @property def targets(self) -> Optional[tuple[int, ...]]: """tuple[int], optional: The target qubits of the result type, if any.""" return self._targets
[docs] class ObservableResultType(TargetedResultType, ABC): """ Holds an observable to perform a calculation in conjunction with a state. """ def __init__(self, observable: Observable): """ Args: observable (Observable): The observable for which the desired result is calculated """ super().__init__(observable.measured_qubits) self._observable = observable @property def observable(self): """Observable: The observable for which the desired result is calculated.""" return self._observable @property def targets(self) -> Optional[tuple[int, ...]]: return self._observable.measured_qubits
[docs] def calculate(self, simulation: Simulation) -> Union[float, list[float]]: """Calculates the result type using the underlying observable. Returns a real number if the observable has defined targets, or a list of real numbers, one for the result type on each target, if the observable has no target. Args: simulation (Simulation): The simulation to use in the calculation. Returns: Union[float, list[float]]: The value of the result type; will be a real due to self-adjointness of observable. """ if self._observable.measured_qubits: return self._calculate_single_quantity(simulation, self._observable) return [ self._calculate_single_quantity(simulation, self._observable.fix_qubit(qubit)) for qubit in range(simulation.qubit_count) ]
@staticmethod @abstractmethod def _calculate_single_quantity(simulation: Simulation, observable: Observable) -> float: """Calculates a single real value of the result type. Args: simulation (Simulation): The simulation to use in the calculation. observable (Observable): The observable used to calculate the result type. Returns: float: The value of the result type. """
[docs] class StateVector(ResultType): """ Simply returns the given state vector. """
[docs] def calculate(self, simulation: StateVectorSimulation) -> np.ndarray: """Return the given state vector of the simulation. Args: simulation (StateVectorSimulation): The simulation whose state vector will be returned Returns: np.ndarray: The state vector (before observables) of the simulation """ return simulation.state_vector
@_from_braket_result_type.register def _(_: jaqcd.StateVector): return StateVector()
[docs] class DensityMatrix(TargetedResultType): """ Simply returns the given density matrix. """ def __init__(self, targets: Optional[list[int]] = None): """ Args: targets (Optional[list[int]]): The qubit indices on which the reduced density matrix are desired. If no targets are specified, the full density matrix is calculated. Default: `None` """ super().__init__(targets)
[docs] def calculate(self, simulation: Simulation) -> np.ndarray: """Return the given density matrix of the simulation. Args: simulation (Simulation): The simulation whose (full or reduced) density matrix will be returned. Returns: np.ndarray: The density matrix (before observables) of the simulation """ if self._targets is None or np.array_equal(self._targets, range(simulation.qubit_count)): return simulation.density_matrix else: if not all(ta in list(range(simulation.qubit_count)) for ta in self._targets): raise IndexError( "Input target qubits must be within the range of the qubits in the circuit." ) return partial_trace( simulation.density_matrix.reshape(np.array([2] * 2 * simulation.qubit_count)), self._targets, )
@_from_braket_result_type.register def _(density_matrix: jaqcd.DensityMatrix): return DensityMatrix(density_matrix.targets)
[docs] class Amplitude(ResultType): """ Extracts the amplitudes of the desired computational basis states. """ def __init__(self, states: list[str]): """ Args: states (list[str]): The computational basis states whose amplitudes are desired """ self._states = states
[docs] def calculate(self, simulation: StateVectorSimulation) -> dict[str, complex]: """Return the amplitudes of the desired computational basis states in the state of the given simulation. Args: simulation (StateVectorSimulation): The simulation whose state vector amplitudes will be returned Returns: dict[str, complex]: A dict keyed on computational basis states as bitstrings, with corresponding values the amplitudes """ state = simulation.state_vector return {basis_state: state[int(basis_state, 2)] for basis_state in self._states}
@_from_braket_result_type.register def _(amplitude: jaqcd.Amplitude): return Amplitude(amplitude.states)
[docs] class Probability(TargetedResultType): """ Computes the marginal probabilities of computational basis states on the desired qubits. """ def __init__(self, targets: Optional[list[int]] = None): """ Args: targets (Optional[list[int]]): The qubit indices on which probabilities are desired. If no targets are specified, the probabilities are calculated on the entire state. Default: `None` """ super().__init__(targets)
[docs] def calculate(self, simulation: Simulation) -> np.ndarray: """Return the marginal probabilities of computational basis states on the target qubits. Probabilities are marginalized over all non-target qubits. Args: simulation (Simulation): The simulation from which probabilities are calculated. Returns: np.ndarray: An array of probabilities of length equal to 2^(number of target qubits), indexed by the decimal encoding of the computational basis state on the target qubits """ return marginal_probability( simulation.probabilities, self._targets, )
@_from_braket_result_type.register def _(probability: jaqcd.Probability): return Probability(probability.targets)
[docs] class Expectation(ObservableResultType): """ Holds an observable :math:`O` to calculate its expected value. """ @staticmethod def _calculate_single_quantity(simulation: Simulation, observable: Observable) -> float: return simulation.expectation(observable)
@_from_braket_result_type.register def _(expectation: jaqcd.Expectation): return Expectation(_from_braket_observable(expectation.observable, expectation.targets))
[docs] class Variance(ObservableResultType): """ Holds an observable :math:`O` to calculate its variance. """ @staticmethod def _calculate_single_quantity(simulation: Simulation, observable: Observable) -> float: return simulation.expectation(observable**2) - simulation.expectation(observable) ** 2
@_from_braket_result_type.register def _(variance: jaqcd.Variance): return Variance(_from_braket_observable(variance.observable, variance.targets)) def _from_braket_observable( ir_observable: list[Union[str, list[list[list[float]]]]], ir_targets: Optional[list[int]] = None ) -> Observable: targets = list(ir_targets) if ir_targets else None if len(ir_observable) == 1: return _from_single_observable(ir_observable[0], targets) else: observable = TensorProduct( [_from_single_observable(factor, targets, is_factor=True) for factor in ir_observable] ) if targets: raise ValueError( f"Found {len(targets)} more target qubits than the tensor product acts on" ) return observable def _from_single_observable( observable: Union[str, list[list[list[float]]]], targets: Optional[list[int]] = None, # IR tensor product observables are decoupled from targets is_factor: bool = False, ) -> Observable: if observable == "i": return Identity(_actual_targets(targets, 1, is_factor)) elif observable == "h": return Hadamard(_actual_targets(targets, 1, is_factor)) elif observable == "x": return PauliX(_actual_targets(targets, 1, is_factor)) elif observable == "y": return PauliY(_actual_targets(targets, 1, is_factor)) elif observable == "z": return PauliZ(_actual_targets(targets, 1, is_factor)) else: try: matrix = ir_matrix_to_ndarray(observable) if is_factor: num_qubits = int(np.log2(len(matrix))) return Hermitian(matrix, _actual_targets(targets, num_qubits, True)) else: return Hermitian(matrix, targets) except Exception: raise ValueError(f"Invalid observable specified: {observable}, targets: {targets}") def _actual_targets(targets: list[int], num_qubits: int, is_factor: bool): if not is_factor: return targets try: return [targets.pop(0) for _ in range(num_qubits)] except Exception: raise ValueError("Insufficient target qubits for tensor product")