Source code for braket.default_simulator.linalg_utils

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# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
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import itertools
from import Sequence
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

    _NEG_CONTROL_SLICE := slice(None, 1),
    _CONTROL_SLICE := slice(1, None),
    _NO_CONTROL_SLICE := slice(None, None),

[docs] def multiply_matrix( state: np.ndarray, matrix: np.ndarray, targets: tuple[int, ...], controls: Optional[tuple[int, ...]] = (), control_state: Optional[tuple[int, ...]] = (), ) -> np.ndarray: """Multiplies the given matrix by the given state, applying the matrix on the target qubits, controlling the operation as specified. Args: state (np.ndarray): The state to multiply the matrix by. matrix (np.ndarray): The matrix to apply to the state. targets (tuple[int]): The qubits to apply the state on. controls (Optional[tuple[int]]): The qubits to control the operation on. Default (). control_state (Optional[tuple[int]]): A tuple of same length as `controls` with either a 0 or 1 in each index, corresponding to whether to control on the `|0⟩` or `|1⟩` state. Default (1,) * len(controls). Returns: np.ndarray: The state after the matrix has been applied. """ if not controls: return _multiply_matrix(state, matrix, targets) control_state = control_state or (1,) * len(controls) num_qubits = len(state.shape) control_slices = {i: _SLICES[state] for i, state in zip(controls, control_state)} ctrl_index = tuple( control_slices[i] if i in controls else _NO_CONTROL_SLICE for i in range(num_qubits) ) state[ctrl_index] = _multiply_matrix(state[ctrl_index], matrix, targets) return state
def _multiply_matrix( state: np.ndarray, matrix: np.ndarray, targets: tuple[int, ...], ) -> np.ndarray: """Multiplies the given matrix by the given state, applying the matrix on the target qubits. Args: state (np.ndarray): The state to multiply the matrix by. matrix (np.ndarray): The matrix to apply to the state. targets (tuple[int]): The qubits to apply the state on. Returns: np.ndarray: The state after the matrix has been applied. """ gate_matrix = np.reshape(matrix, [2] * len(targets) * 2) axes = ( np.arange(len(targets), 2 * len(targets)), targets, ) product = np.tensordot(gate_matrix, state, axes=axes) # Axes given in `operation.targets` are in the first positions. unused_idxs = [idx for idx in range(len(state.shape)) if idx not in targets] permutation = list(targets) + unused_idxs # Invert the permutation to put the indices in the correct place inverse_permutation = np.argsort(permutation) return np.transpose(product, inverse_permutation)
[docs] def marginal_probability( probabilities: np.ndarray, targets: Sequence[int] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Return the marginal probability of the computational basis states. The marginal probability is obtained by summing the probabilities on the unused qubits. If no targets are specified, then the probability of all basis states is returned. Args: probabilities (np.ndarray): The probability distribution to marginalize. targets (list[int]): The qubits of the marginal distribution; if no targets are specified, then the probability of all basis states is returned. Returns: np.ndarray: The marginal probability distribution. """ qubit_count = int(np.log2(len(probabilities))) if targets is None or np.array_equal(targets, range(qubit_count)): # All qubits targeted, no need to marginalize return probabilities targets = np.hstack(targets) # Find unused qubits and sum over them unused_qubits = list(set(range(qubit_count)) - set(targets)) as_tensor = probabilities.reshape([2] * qubit_count) marginal = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, as_tensor, unused_qubits).flatten() # Reorder qubits to match targets perm = _get_target_permutation(targets) return marginal[perm]
[docs] def partial_trace( density_matrix: np.ndarray, targets: Optional[list[int]] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the reduced density matrix for the target qubits. If no target qubits are supplied, this method returns the trace of the density matrix. Args: density_matrix (np.ndarray): The density matrix to reduce, as a tensor product of qubit states. targets (list[int]): The qubits of the output reduced density matrix; if no target qubits are supplied, this method returns the trace of the density matrix. Returns: np.ndarray: The partial trace of the density matrix. """ qubit_count = len(density_matrix.shape) // 2 target_set = set(targets) if targets else set() nkeep = 2 ** len(target_set) idx1 = [i for i in range(qubit_count)] idx2 = [qubit_count + i if i in target_set else i for i in range(qubit_count)] tr_rho = np.einsum(density_matrix, idx1 + idx2).reshape(nkeep, nkeep) # reorder qubits to match target if targets: perm = _get_target_permutation(targets) tr_rho = tr_rho[:, perm] tr_rho = tr_rho[perm] return tr_rho
def _get_target_permutation(targets: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]: """ Return a permutation to reorder qubits to match targets """ basis_states = np.array(list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=len(targets)))) return np.ravel_multi_index( basis_states[:, np.argsort(np.argsort(targets))].T, [2] * len(targets) )