Source code for braket.default_simulator.density_matrix_simulation

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from typing import Union

import numpy as np

from braket.default_simulator.linalg_utils import multiply_matrix, partial_trace
from braket.default_simulator.operation import GateOperation, KrausOperation, Observable
from braket.default_simulator.simulation import Simulation

[docs] class DensityMatrixSimulation(Simulation): """ This class tracks the evolution of the density matrix of a quantum system with `qubit_count` qubits. The state of system evolves by applications of `GateOperation`s and `KrausOperation`s using the `evolve()` method. """ def __init__(self, qubit_count: int, shots: int): """ Args: qubit_count (int): The number of qubits being simulated. shots (int): The number of samples to take from the simulation. If set to 0, only results that do not require sampling, such as density matrix or expectation, are generated. """ super().__init__(qubit_count=qubit_count, shots=shots) initial_state = np.zeros((2**qubit_count, 2**qubit_count), dtype=complex) initial_state[0, 0] = 1 self._density_matrix = initial_state self._post_observables = None
[docs] def evolve(self, operations: list[Union[GateOperation, KrausOperation]]) -> None: self._density_matrix = DensityMatrixSimulation._apply_operations( self._density_matrix, self._qubit_count, operations )
[docs] def apply_observables(self, observables: list[Observable]) -> None: """Applies the diagonalizing matrices of the given observables to the state of the simulation. This method can only be called once. Args: observables (list[Observable]): The observables to apply Raises: RuntimeError: If this method is called more than once """ if self._post_observables is not None: raise RuntimeError("Observables have already been applied.") operations = list( sum( [observable.diagonalizing_gates(self._qubit_count) for observable in observables], (), ) ) self._post_observables = DensityMatrixSimulation._apply_operations( self._density_matrix, self._qubit_count, operations )
@staticmethod def _apply_operations( state: np.ndarray, qubit_count: int, operations: list[Union[GateOperation, KrausOperation]] ) -> np.ndarray: """Applies the gate and noise operations to the density matrix. Args: state (np.ndarray): initial density matrix qubit_count (int): number of qubits in the circuit operations (list[Union[GateOperation, KrausOperation]]): list of GateOperation and KrausOperation to be applied to the density matrix Returns: np.ndarray: output density matrix """ dm_tensor = np.reshape(state, [2] * 2 * qubit_count) for operation in operations: targets = operation.targets if isinstance(operation, (GateOperation, Observable)): matrix = operation.matrix if len(targets) > 3: dm_tensor = DensityMatrixSimulation._apply_gate( dm_tensor, qubit_count, matrix, targets ) else: dm_tensor = DensityMatrixSimulation._apply_gate_superop( dm_tensor, qubit_count, np.kron(matrix, matrix.conjugate()), targets ) if isinstance(operation, KrausOperation): dm_tensor = DensityMatrixSimulation._apply_kraus( dm_tensor, qubit_count, operation.matrices, targets ) return np.reshape(dm_tensor, (2**qubit_count, 2**qubit_count))
[docs] def retrieve_samples(self) -> list[int]: return np.random.choice( self._density_matrix.shape[0], p=self.probabilities, size=self._shots )
@property def density_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """ np.ndarray: The density matrix specifying the current state of the simulation. Note: Mutating this array will mutate the state of the simulation. """ return self._density_matrix @property def state_with_observables(self) -> np.ndarray: """ np.ndarray: The density matrix diagonalized in the basis of the measured observables. Raises: RuntimeError: If observables have not been applied """ if self._post_observables is None: raise RuntimeError("No observables applied") return self._post_observables
[docs] def expectation(self, observable: Observable) -> float: with_observables = observable.apply( np.reshape(self._density_matrix, [2] * 2 * self._qubit_count) ) return complex(partial_trace(with_observables)).real
@property def probabilities(self) -> np.ndarray: """ np.ndarray: The probabilities of each computational basis state of the current density matrix of the simulation. """ return DensityMatrixSimulation._probabilities(self.density_matrix) @staticmethod def _probabilities(state) -> np.ndarray: """The probabilities of each computational basis state of a given density matrix. Args: state (np.ndarray): The density matrix from which probabilities are extracted. Returns: np.ndarray: The probabilities of each computational basis state. """ prob = np.real(np.diag(state)) prob_list = prob.copy() tol = 1e-20 prob_list[abs(prob_list) < tol] = 0.0 prob_list[prob_list < 0] = 0.0 return prob_list @staticmethod def _apply_gate( state: np.ndarray, qubit_count: int, matrix: np.ndarray, targets: tuple[int, ...] ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Apply a matrix M to a density matrix D according to: .. math:: D \rightarrow M D M^{\dagger} Args: state (np.ndarray): initial density matrix qubit_count (int): number of qubits in the circuit matrix (np.ndarray): matrix to be applied to the density matrix targets (tuple[int,...]): qubits of the density matrix the matrix applied to. Returns: np.ndarray: output density matrix """ # left product state = multiply_matrix(state, np.reshape(matrix, [2] * len(targets) * 2), targets) # right product state = multiply_matrix( state, np.reshape(matrix.conjugate(), [2] * len(targets) * 2), tuple(i + qubit_count for i in targets), ) return state @staticmethod def _apply_gate_superop( state: np.ndarray, qubit_count: int, superop: np.ndarray, targets: tuple[int, ...] ) -> np.ndarray: """Apply a superoperator to a density matrix Args: state (np.ndarray): initial density matrix qubit_count (int): number of qubits in the circuit superop (np.ndarray): superoperator to be applied to the density matrix targets (tuple[int,...]): qubits of the density matrix the superoperator applied to. Returns: np.ndarray: output density matrix """ targets_new = targets + tuple([target + qubit_count for target in targets]) state = multiply_matrix(state, np.reshape(superop, [2] * len(targets_new) * 2), targets_new) return state @staticmethod def _apply_kraus( state: np.ndarray, qubit_count: int, matrices: list[np.ndarray], targets: tuple[int, ...] ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Apply a list of matrices {E_i} to a density matrix D according to: .. math:: D \rightarrow \\sum_i E_i D E_i^{\dagger} Args: state (np.ndarray): initial density matrix qubit_count (int): number of qubits in the circuit matrices (list[np.ndarray]): matrices to be applied to the density matrix targets (tuple[int,...]): qubits of the density matrix the matrices applied to. Returns: np.ndarray: output density matrix """ if len(targets) > 4: new_state = sum( DensityMatrixSimulation._apply_gate(state, qubit_count, matrix, targets) for matrix in matrices ) else: superop = sum(np.kron(matrix, matrix.conjugate()) for matrix in matrices) new_state = DensityMatrixSimulation._apply_gate_superop( state, qubit_count, superop, targets ) return new_state