braket.default_simulator.openqasm.program_context module

class braket.default_simulator.openqasm.program_context.Table(title: str)[source]

Bases: object

Utility class for storing and displaying items.

items() Iterable[tuple[str, Any]][source]
class braket.default_simulator.openqasm.program_context.QubitTable[source]

Bases: Table

get_by_identifier(identifier: Identifier | IndexedIdentifier) tuple[int][source]
get_by_identifier(identifier: IndexedIdentifier) tuple[int]

Convenience method to get an element with a possibly indexed identifier.

get_qubit_size(identifier: Identifier | IndexedIdentifier) int[source]
class braket.default_simulator.openqasm.program_context.ScopedTable(title)[source]

Bases: Table

Scoped version of Table

push_scope() None[source]
pop_scope() None[source]
property in_global_scope
property current_scope: dict[str, Any]
get_scope(key: str) dict[str, Any][source]

Get the smallest scope containing the given key

items() Iterable[tuple[str, Any]][source]
class braket.default_simulator.openqasm.program_context.SymbolTable[source]

Bases: ScopedTable

Scoped table used to map names to types.

class Symbol(symbol_type: ClassicalType | BooleanLiteral | IntegerLiteral | FloatLiteral | ArrayLiteral | BitstringLiteral, const: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

add_symbol(name: str, symbol_type: ClassicalType | BooleanLiteral | IntegerLiteral | FloatLiteral | ArrayLiteral | BitstringLiteral | type[Identifier], const: bool = False) None[source]

Add a symbol to the symbol table.

  • name (str) – Name of the symbol.

  • symbol_type (Union[ClassicalType, LiteralType]) – Type of the symbol. Symbols can have a literal type when they are a numeric argument to a gate or an integer literal loop variable.

  • const (bool) – Whether the variable is immutable.

get_symbol(name: str) Symbol[source]

Get a symbol from the symbol table by name.


name (str) – Name of the symbol.


Symbol – The symbol object.

get_type(name: str) ClassicalType | type[BooleanLiteral | IntegerLiteral | FloatLiteral | ArrayLiteral | BitstringLiteral][source]

Get the type of a symbol by name.


name (str) – Name of the symbol.


Union[ClassicalType, LiteralType] – The type of the symbol.

get_const(name: str) bool[source]

Get const status of a symbol by name.


name (str) – Name of the symbol.


bool – Whether the symbol is a const symbol.

class braket.default_simulator.openqasm.program_context.VariableTable[source]

Bases: ScopedTable

Scoped table used store values for symbols. This implements the classical memory for the Interpreter.

add_variable(name: str, value: Any) None[source]
get_value(name: str) BooleanLiteral | IntegerLiteral | FloatLiteral | ArrayLiteral | BitstringLiteral[source]
get_value_by_identifier(identifier: Identifier, type_width: IntegerLiteral | None = None) BooleanLiteral | IntegerLiteral | FloatLiteral | ArrayLiteral | BitstringLiteral[source]
get_value_by_identifier(identifier: IndexedIdentifier, type_width: IntegerLiteral | None = None) BooleanLiteral | IntegerLiteral | FloatLiteral | ArrayLiteral | BitstringLiteral

Convenience method to get value with a possibly indexed identifier.

update_value(name: str, value: Any, var_type: ClassicalType, indices: list[DiscreteSet | List[Expression | RangeDefinition]] | None = None) None[source]

Update value of a variable, optionally providing an index

is_initalized(name: str) bool[source]

Determine whether a declared variable is initialized

class braket.default_simulator.openqasm.program_context.GateTable[source]

Bases: ScopedTable

Scoped table to implement gates.

add_gate(name: str, definition: QuantumGateDefinition) None[source]
get_gate_definition(name: str) QuantumGateDefinition[source]
class braket.default_simulator.openqasm.program_context.SubroutineTable[source]

Bases: ScopedTable

Scoped table to implement subroutines.

add_subroutine(name: str, definition: SubroutineDefinition) None[source]
get_subroutine_definition(name: str) SubroutineDefinition[source]
class braket.default_simulator.openqasm.program_context.ScopeManager(context: ProgramContext)[source]

Bases: object

Allows ProgramContext to manage scope with with keyword.

class braket.default_simulator.openqasm.program_context.AbstractProgramContext[source]

Bases: ABC

Interpreter state.

Symbol table - symbols in scope Variable table - variable values Gate table - gate definitions Subroutine table - subroutine definitions Qubit mapping - mapping from logical qubits to qubit indices

Circuit - IR build to hand off to the simulator

abstract property circuit

The circuit being built in this context.

load_inputs(inputs: dict[str, Any]) None[source]

Load inputs for the circuit


inputs (dict[str, Any]) – A dictionary containing the inputs to be loaded

parse_pragma(pragma_body: str)[source]

Parse pragma


pragma_body (str) – The body of the pragma statement.

declare_variable(name: str, symbol_type: ClassicalType | type[BooleanLiteral | IntegerLiteral | FloatLiteral | ArrayLiteral | BitstringLiteral] | type[Identifier], value: Any | None = None, const: bool = False) None[source]

Declare variable in current scope

  • name (str) – The name of the variable

  • symbol_type (Union[ClassicalType, type[LiteralType], type[Identifier]]) – The type of the variable.

  • value (Optional[Any]) – The initial value of the variable . Defaults to None.

  • const (bool) – Flag indicating if the variable is constant. Defaults to False.

declare_qubit_alias(name: str, value: Identifier) None[source]

Declare qubit alias in current scope

  • name (str) – The name of the qubit alias.

  • value (Identifier) – The identifier representing the qubit

enter_scope() ScopeManager[source]

Allows pushing/popping scope with indentation and the with keyword.

Usage: # inside the original scope … with program_context.enter_scope():

# inside a new scope …

# exited new scope, back in the original scope

push_scope() None[source]

Enter a new scope

pop_scope() None[source]

Exit current scope

property in_global_scope
get_type(name: str) ClassicalType | type[BooleanLiteral | IntegerLiteral | FloatLiteral | ArrayLiteral | BitstringLiteral][source]

Get symbol type by name


name (str) – The name of the symbol.


Union[ClassicalType, type[LiteralType]] – The type of the symbol.

get_const(name: str) bool[source]

Get whether a symbol is const by name”


name (str) – The name of the symbol.


bool – True of the symbol os const, False otherwise.

get_value(name: str) BooleanLiteral | IntegerLiteral | FloatLiteral | ArrayLiteral | BitstringLiteral[source]

Get value of a variable by name


name (str) – The name of the variable.


LiteralType – The value of the variable.


KeyError – If the variable is not found.

get_value_by_identifier(identifier: Identifier | IndexedIdentifier) BooleanLiteral | IntegerLiteral | FloatLiteral | ArrayLiteral | BitstringLiteral[source]

Get value of a variable by identifier


identifier (Union[Identifier, IndexedIdentifier]) – The identifier of the variable.


LiteralType – The value of the variable.


KeyError – If the variable is not found.

is_initialized(name: str) bool[source]

Check whether variable is initialized by name


name (str) – The name of the variable.


bool – True if the variable is initialized, False otherwise.

update_value(variable: Identifier | IndexedIdentifier, value: Any) None[source]

Update value by identifier, possible only a sub-index of a variable

add_qubits(name: str, num_qubits: int | None = 1) None[source]

Allocate additional qubits for the circuit

  • name (str) – The name of the qubit register

  • num_qubits (Optional[int]) – The number of qubits to allocate. Default is 1.

get_qubits(qubits: Identifier | IndexedIdentifier) tuple[int][source]

Get qubit indices from a qubit identifier, possibly referring to a sub-index of a qubit register


qubits (Union[Identifier, IndexedIdentifier]) – The identifier of the qubits.


tuple[int] – The indices of the qubits.


KeyError – If the qubit identifier is not found.

add_gate(name: str, definition: QuantumGateDefinition) None[source]

Add a gate definition

  • name (str) – The name of the gate.

  • definition (QuantumGateDefinition) – The definition of the gate.

get_gate_definition(name: str) QuantumGateDefinition[source]

Get a gate definition by name


name (str) – The name of the gate.


QuantumGateDefinition – The definition of the gate.


ValueError – If the gate is not defined.

is_user_defined_gate(name: str) bool[source]

Check whether the gate is user-defined gate


name (str) – The name of the gate.


bool – True of the gate is user-defined, False otherwise.

abstract is_builtin_gate(name: str) bool[source]

Abstract method to check if the gate with the given name is currently in scope as a built-in Braket gate. :param name: name of the built-in Braket gate to be checked :type name: str


bool – True if the gate is a built-in gate, False otherwise.

add_subroutine(name: str, definition: SubroutineDefinition) None[source]

Add a subroutine definition

  • name (str) – The name of the subroutine.

  • definition (SubroutineDefinition) – The definition of the subroutine.

get_subroutine_definition(name: str) SubroutineDefinition[source]

Get a subroutine definition by name


name (str) – The name of the subroutine.


SubroutineDefinition – The definition of the subroutine.


NameError – If the subroutine with the give name is not defined.

add_result(result: Amplitude | Expectation | Probability | Sample | StateVector | DensityMatrix | Variance | AdjointGradient) None[source]

Abstract method to add result type to the circuit


result (Results) – The result object representing the measurement results

add_phase(phase: FloatLiteral, qubits: list[Identifier | IndexedIdentifier] | None = None) None[source]

Add quantum phase instruction to the circuit

abstract add_phase_instruction(target, phase_value)[source]

Abstract method to add phase instruction to the circuit

  • target (int or list[int]) – The target qubit or qubits to which the phase instruction is applied

  • phase_value (float) – The phase value to be applied

add_builtin_gate(gate_name: str, parameters: list[FloatLiteral], qubits: list[Identifier | IndexedIdentifier], modifiers: list[QuantumGateModifier] | None = None) None[source]

Add a builtin gate instruction to the circuit

  • gate_name (str) – The name of the built-in gate.

  • parameters (list[FloatLiteral]) – The list of the gate parameters.

  • qubits (list[Union[Identifier, IndexedIdentifier]]) – The list of qubits the gate acts on.

  • modifiers (Optional[list[QuantumGateModifier]]) – The list of gate modifiers (optional).

handle_parameter_value(value: float | Expr) Any[source]

Convert parameter value to required format. Default conversion is noop. :param value: Value of the parameter :type value: Union[float, Expr]

abstract add_gate_instruction(gate_name: str, target: tuple[int, ...], params, ctrl_modifiers: list[int], power: int)[source]

Abstract method to add Braket gate to the circuit. :param gate_name: name of the built-in Braket gate. :type gate_name: str :param target: control_qubits + target_qubits. :type target: tuple[int] :param ctrl_modifiers: Quantum state on which to control the

operation. Must be a binary sequence of same length as number of qubits in control-qubits in target. For example “0101”, [0, 1, 0, 1], 5 all represent controlling on qubits 0 and 2 being in the |0⟩ state and qubits 1 and 3 being in the |1⟩ state.


power (float) – Integer or fractional power to raise the gate to.

add_custom_unitary(unitary: ndarray, target: tuple[int, ...]) None[source]

Abstract method to add a custom Unitary instruction to the circuit :param unitary: unitary matrix :type unitary: np.ndarray :param target: control_qubits + target_qubits :type target: tuple[int, …]

add_noise_instruction(noise_instruction: str, target: list[int], probabilities: list[float])[source]

Abstract method to add a noise instruction to the circuit

  • noise_instruction (str) – The name of the noise operation

  • target (list[int]) – The target qubit or qubits to which the noise operation is applied.

  • probabilities (list[float]) – The probabilities associated with each possible outcome of the noise operation.

add_kraus_instruction(matrices: list[ndarray], target: list[int])[source]

Abstract method to add a Kraus instruction to the circuit

  • matrices (list[ndarray]) – The matrices defining the Kraus operation

  • target (list[int]) – The target qubit or qubits to which the Kraus operation is applied.

add_measure(target: tuple[int])[source]

Add qubit targets to be measured

class braket.default_simulator.openqasm.program_context.ProgramContext(circuit: Circuit | None = None)[source]

Bases: AbstractProgramContext


circuit (Optional[Circuit]) – A partially-built circuit to continue building with this context. Default: None.

property circuit

The circuit being built in this context.

is_builtin_gate(name: str) bool[source]

Abstract method to check if the gate with the given name is currently in scope as a built-in Braket gate. :param name: name of the built-in Braket gate to be checked :type name: str


bool – True if the gate is a built-in gate, False otherwise.

add_phase_instruction(target: tuple[int], phase_value: int)[source]

Abstract method to add phase instruction to the circuit

  • target (int or list[int]) – The target qubit or qubits to which the phase instruction is applied

  • phase_value (float) – The phase value to be applied

add_gate_instruction(gate_name: str, target: tuple[int, ...], params, ctrl_modifiers: list[int], power: int)[source]

Abstract method to add Braket gate to the circuit. :param gate_name: name of the built-in Braket gate. :type gate_name: str :param target: control_qubits + target_qubits. :type target: tuple[int] :param ctrl_modifiers: Quantum state on which to control the

operation. Must be a binary sequence of same length as number of qubits in control-qubits in target. For example “0101”, [0, 1, 0, 1], 5 all represent controlling on qubits 0 and 2 being in the |0⟩ state and qubits 1 and 3 being in the |1⟩ state.


power (float) – Integer or fractional power to raise the gate to.

add_custom_unitary(unitary: ndarray, target: tuple[int, ...]) None[source]

Abstract method to add a custom Unitary instruction to the circuit :param unitary: unitary matrix :type unitary: np.ndarray :param target: control_qubits + target_qubits :type target: tuple[int, …]

add_noise_instruction(noise_instruction: str, target: list[int], probabilities: list[float])[source]

Abstract method to add a noise instruction to the circuit

  • noise_instruction (str) – The name of the noise operation

  • target (list[int]) – The target qubit or qubits to which the noise operation is applied.

  • probabilities (list[float]) – The probabilities associated with each possible outcome of the noise operation.

add_kraus_instruction(matrices: list[ndarray], target: list[int])[source]

Abstract method to add a Kraus instruction to the circuit

  • matrices (list[ndarray]) – The matrices defining the Kraus operation

  • target (list[int]) – The target qubit or qubits to which the Kraus operation is applied.

add_result(result: Amplitude | Expectation | Probability | Sample | StateVector | DensityMatrix | Variance | AdjointGradient) None[source]

Abstract method to add result type to the circuit


result (Results) – The result object representing the measurement results

add_measure(target: tuple[int])[source]

Add qubit targets to be measured