braket.analog_hamiltonian_simulator.rydberg.validators.field_validator_util module

braket.analog_hamiltonian_simulator.rydberg.validators.field_validator_util.validate_value_range_with_warning(values: list[Decimal], min_value: Decimal, max_value: Decimal, name: str) None[source]

Validate the given list of values against the allowed range

  • values (list[Decimal]) – The given list of values to be validated

  • min_value (Decimal) – The minimal value allowed

  • max_value (Decimal) – The maximal value allowed

  • name (str) – The name of the field corresponds to the values

braket.analog_hamiltonian_simulator.rydberg.validators.field_validator_util.validate_net_detuning_with_warning(program: Program, time_points: ndarray, global_detuning_coefs: ndarray, local_detuning_patterns: List, local_detuning_coefs: ndarray, capabilities: CapabilitiesConstants) Program[source]

Validate the given program for the net detuning of all the atoms at all time points

  • program (Program) – The given program

  • time_points (np.ndarray) – The time points for both global and local detunings

  • global_detuning_coefs (np.ndarray) – The values of global detuning

  • local_detuning_patterns (List) – The pattern of local detuning

  • local_detuning_coefs (np.ndarray) – The values of local detuning

  • capabilities (CapabilitiesConstants) – The capability constants


program (Program) – The given program